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Reviews / Before and After > Surgery Reviews+
  • How can I not like my face shape
  • 2021-01-18 hit.18,571
  • Writer : Kim**

My jawline was not smooth, so the face line was not pretty. I decided to have surgery this time because I kept covering one side when taking ID pictures or selfies due to the asymmetry on the left and right side. The reason why I chose the EU is that it puts safety first and specializes in facial bone Surgery.


Post OP 1 Day

I felt dizzy by general anesthesia and can smell a bad smell of gas in my nose. They gave me new care, but I could not eat it, but I only drank a lot of water. I did not feel much pain, but my throat was too dry.


Post OP 2 Days

After surgery, it was not tough as I expected I think because I am less swollen than others are! Even the hospital staff were surprised that I was not swelling much. I am glad the surgery went well. I did not open my mouth as I thought. Still, it was not too much for me to eat liquid food, and I was a bit vaguely in speaking, but there was no problem with communication!


Post OP 5 Days

I do not have any pain and it is so hard to endure hunger. The lower lip less swollen than the previous day, and it seems that the overall face is gradually less swollen. I think laser care also plays important role. The sense of the jaw is similar to the feeling of anesthesia when I have reove the wisdom teeth and the tingling of my jaw is similar to yesterday.

Post OP 6 Days

There was not much swelling and no bruising. After the surgery I realize that people who did surgery in EU, seemed to be less bruised and swollen compare to other hospital. I was relieved that there was not a lot of post-op bleeding! However, I still could not open my mouth well. ᅲᅲ My diet was porridge and new care and I felt suffer when I wear facial pressure bandage I went to bedtime. I was most troubled when I took antibiotics. It is hard to swallow the medicine. However, I had to take it regularly to avoid inflammation in my body.


Post OP 13 Days

I am feeling free to wash it! After the 7th day, I could chew the noodles and rice, and I could gently wipe my face with foam cleanser.~~~ The stitches will hurt a little bit, but I'm looking forward to remove them by tomorrow !!!! The lower lip is still swelling a lot. It's a little hard to pronounce, but there's no communication problem.^^ Satisfied!


Post OP 20 Days

It is not overdo to brush my teeth with adult toothbrush, but it is still not as easy before as surgery. It is not hard to chew food, but I cannot open that wide. I also can feel that my sensation is coming back and I still have bruise on my bottom jaw. I do not have a hard time speaking, but I feel stiff when I open my mouth suddenly, so I think I should practice opening my mouth slowly often. ^^! However, I am glad that the swelling has gone down unnoticed. I am happy to hear that people around me told me that I seem like lost weight.



Post OP 28 Days

I can't open my mouth widely yet, but I can chew most of the meat, rice cake and etc.^^ If I don't practice opening my mouth often, my jaw will definitely get stiff and I will hear a little sound. Except for strenuous exercise, I am jogging but I still feel like I have double chin bottom of my chin.



Post OP 34 Days

I can put four fingers inside of my mouth, but I still have to practice opening my mouth a lot. I still have some swelling in my lower gums and the feeling of foreign body is still there.ᅲᅲ

When I wake up, my chin is a little tight and sometimes I hear a little noise, but it is probably temporary. ^^ I am so happy to hear that people around me are asking if I have lost weight. I'm satisfied that I can see the line slowly and the natural line that I wanted to see.^^!!


Post OP 55 Days

I am recovering well, so the swelling goes away from day to day. I still cannot take a bite of apples and fruits, but I can eat all the rest of the food. However, there is still a lot of swelling on the lower jaw. That is why my side face look bit blunt. My front face is getting shorter, so I am satisfied.


Post OP 2 Months

I cannot open my mouth fully yet but I am practicing every day. I had wound on my gum area but it gets much better too! I heard many compliment. I feel so good whenever I hear that my face has gotten too small!! Most foods are able to eat and I start to gain weight again: ( Some people told me that I look good in pictures because my chin is slimmer and my face looks smoother than before. I like EU since them pursuing natural beauty more than other hospitals and I think I made a right choice.

Post OP 3 months

Everyone's asking if I lost weight because my face is so small and my family do not know that I underwent the facial bone surgery. My heart beats really fast when my family asked me if I lost weight. My mouth is still swollen. I'm used to opening it carefully.  My gums are not getting damaged at all. A bit stiff? I'm so satisfied that I got surgery very safety!


Post OP 4 months



Post OP 5 months

There's a slight swelling left, but there's almost no swelling! Still feeling stiff. I've been afraid of bone surgery for years, but I regret I should have done much earlier!  And I'm so satisfied with my jawline because it's not artificial and natural! My friend was against the surgery, and she said she'd like to do facial bone surgery after see my result. The EU has made my face smaller.

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